Nurstead’s Drop-In Centers are places where individuals in crisis, looking for support, or who need someone to talk to can come and get the help and support they need. On site, we have a safe space for individuals who are in need of support can come and seek services such as peer support, CCSS, referrals, and other services designed to assist with maintaining stability for individuals. Drop-In Center locations also have a crisis triage center aspect of the program, a safe location where people who are suicidal or experiencing other mental health crises can seek services any time or day to help with stabilization through peer support and therapy services. Much like our Mobile Crisis Team program which currently works in the community to provide crisis response services, our Drop-In Centers are an expansion of these services with providing a safe space an individual is able to stay for up to 23 hours while addressing the crisis and needs of the individual. Both Mobile Crisis Team services and Drop-In Center services go beyond assessing if hospitalization is needed. Though that is a part of the work we do, we also provide therapeutic interventions that assist with finding the cause of the crisis and reducing and resolving the crisis situation through referral, advocacy, and other methods.
Our Drop-In Center workers are knowledgeable about navigating the often confusing state and federal systems and here to assist clients who visit the Drop-In Center with a wide variety of applications and system navigations. Need help but not sure if our Drop-In Center Staff help? Give us a call or come in and find out today.
• Housing
• Food Security
• Medical Insurance
• Driver’s License
• Birth Certificate
• Social Security
• Disability
• Education
• SNAP (food security)
• Medicaid
• Medicare
• Utility Assistance
• Rental Assistance